Oct 17, 2017

Would you rather travel to another state or another country?

       First of all, let me say that I would MUCH rather travel to another country rather than travel to another state.
       One of the main reasons I would like to travel to another country is because I have never been to another country before (well, I have been to Canada before, but that doesn't count because we are so close). Another reason why I want to travel to another country is that I want to experience what life is like in other cultures, including their music, their traditions, and their lifestyle. The final reason why I would like to travel to another country is that I want to try brand new foods that I have never tried before. For example, if I went to Spain, I would want to try all of the spicy foods that are served.
       For the reasons above, you can see that I would much rather travel to another country!

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